New Publications
The following new publications have been added to Publications
Eugene Syriani; Robert Bill; Manuel WimmerDomain-Specific Model Distance Measures Journal ArticleJ. Object Technol., 18 (3), pp. 3:1––19, 2019.
Sabine Wolny; Alexandra Mazak; Manuel Wimmer; Christian Huemer Model-driven Runtime State Identification InproceedingsHeinrich C Mayr; Stefanie Rinderle-Ma; Stefan Strecker (Ed.): 40 Years EMISA 2019, pp. 29–44, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Bonn, 2020.
Bader Alkhazi; Chaima Abid; Marouane Kessentini; Manuel Wimmer On the value of quality attributes for refactoring ATL model transformations: A multi-objective approach Journal ArticleInformation and Software Technology, 120 , pp. 106243, 2020, ISSN: 0950-5849.
Bader Alkhazi; Chaima Abid; Marouane Kessentini; Dorian Leroy; Manuel Wimmer Multi-criteria test cases selection for model transformations Journal ArticleAutomated Software Engineering, pp. 1–28, 2020.
Paper on Concern-Oriented Language Development (COLD) accepted at COMLAN
Our paper “Concern-Oriented Language Development (COLD): Fostering Reuse in Language Engineering” was accepted for publication at COMLAN! This is the result of the work achieved during the 1st Workshop on Reuse at the Language Level at the Bellairs Research Institute of McGill in Holetown, Barbados, with all the workshop participants: Benoit Combemale, Jörg Kienzle, Gunter Mussbacher, Olivier Barais, Walter Cazzola, Philippe Collet, Thomas Degueule, Robert Heinrich, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Manuel Leduc, Tanja Mayerhofer, Sébastien Mosser, Matthias Schöttle, Misha Strittmatter, Andreas Wortmann.
Preprint available here.
Paper on trace comprehension accepted at ECMFA’18!
Our paper “Trace Comprehension Operators for Executable DSLs” written by Dorian Leroy, Erwan Bousse, Anaël Megna, Benoit Combemale and Manuel Wimmer was accepted at the 14th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA)! Camera ready coming soon.
Paper on Omniscient Debugging for executable DSLs accepted at JSS!
Our journal paper “Omniscient Debugging for executable DSLs“, written by Erwan Bousse, Dorian Leroy, Benoit Combemale, Manuel Wimmer and Benoit Baudry, was accepted for a special issue on program debugging of the Journal of Systems and Software!
Tool demos at MODELS 2017 workshops (EXE and MDEBug)
Two TETRABOX tool demos were presented at MODELS’17!
First, at MDEbug’17, we presented our tool demo paper “Domain-Level Debugging for Compiled DSLs with the GEMOC Studio“. You can download the slides and access the source code. The preprint will be available soon.
Second, at EXE’17, we presented our tool demo paper “Create and Play your Pac-Man Game with the GEMOC Studio“. Again, you can download the slides and access the source code. The preprint will be available soon.
Thanks to the attendees and to the MODELS organizers!
MiniTL toy example on GitHub
As one of the initial tasks of the project, we have developed a small interpreted toy executable Domain-Specific Model Modeling Language (xDSML), more precisely a Domain-Specific Transformation Language (DSTL), called MiniTL.
The language defines a model transformation as a set of rules, each with an input and an output object template.
We implemented the language (including its operational semantics) in the GEMOC Studio using Ecore, Xtext, Kermeta 3 and Melange. You can find much more detailed information on the Github repository of MiniTL!
Open position: pre-doc researcher
Our open position for a pre-doc researcher (ie. PhD student) position is now available online at this page.
The proposed initial research topic is as the crossroad between model transformation testing and executable language engineering, and aims at targeting goals of the TETRABOX project. The offered position would take place within the Business Informatics Group (BIG) of the Vienna Institute of Technology (TU Wien).
Applications for the position, including a curriculum vitae and a motivation letter, should be sent to Manuel Wimmer ( The closing date for applications is 28 October 2016.
EDIT 19/01/2017: The position was filled since mid-january, with Dorian Leroy joining the team!
TETRA Box kickoff
The TETRA Box project just started, and we now have a running website. Stay tuned here for more information on the project, its members and its achievements!
We currently have an open position for a pre-doctoral researcher (ie. a PhD student) for this project. The job description will soon be available.