The TROPIC Project
Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) places models as first-class artefacts throughout the software lifecycle. The main promise of MDE is to raise the level of abstraction from technology and platform-specific concepts to platform-independent and computation-independent modelling. To fulfil this promise, the availability of appropriate model transformation languages is the crucial factor, since transformation languages are for MDE as important as compilers are for high-level programming languages. The basic idea of model transformation is that a source model Ma, which conforms to a metamodel MMa describing its abstract syntax, is transformed into a target model b, which should conform to the metamodel MMb. For this, the potentially heterogeneous modelling oncepts defined by the metamodels have to be mapped to each other and, according to this mapping, he actual transformation of model Ma into model Mb is executed by means of a transformation engine.

Although numerous model transformation languages have been already proposed, currently no transformation language, not even the QVT (Query/View/Transformation) standard of the OMG, became accepted as the state-of-the-art model transformation language, i.e., an adoption in practice has not yet been achieved.
The current challenges are
Abstraction mechanisms: Appropriate abstraction mechanisms are required to deal with the complexity of overcoming structural heterogeneities between different metamodels.
Reuse mechanisms: Suitable reuse mechanisms are needed in order to reduce the high and error-prone effort of specifying recurring transformations
Explicit runtime model: A seamless integration between specification and execution of model transformations is essential in order to allow for appropriate debugging facilities
The overall goal of this project is to provide a framework for developing model transformations, in order to resolve structural heterogeneities between metamodels which fulfills the mentioned requirements.